
Submit Scholarship Form

You may use the form below to transmit your application. You may also download an application form to print out and send in. The form is a PDF format which requires Adobe Acrobate. Click here to download the form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobate, click here for your free download.

If you decide to use the following form, the form will be transmitted to:

Please contact the above person with any concerns. A copy will also be e-mailed to you if an e-mail is provided.

    Safford High School
    Local Scholarship Application

    Your E-Mail

    Providing an address will send you a confirmation
    Scholarship Applied For
    Scholarship Info
    Cummulative G.P.A.
    Rank in Class

    Have you received other scholarships or grants to be used for college purposes? Yes, No

    If so, please list and give the amount of each.

    List local scholarships for which you are applying.

    List activities you have participated in and honors and awards you have received in school and the community.

    State your aims and goals.

    What college do you plant to attend?

    Have you been accepted by this institutuion? Yes, No

    Are there any special circumstances the scholarship committee should be aware of regarding your financial need? Please explain...

    Please only click once and wait for processing...

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